Province Presidents Training School Group Photograph, 1963 |
Province Presidents Training School Group Photograph, July 1966 |
Past National Presidents at Diamond Jubilee Convention Photograph, 1968 |
Bertha Evans and Gladys Melick at Province VII Convention Photograph, April 20, 1952 |
Mrs. Donald Schellenbach to Mrs. Kenneth Myers Letter, February 28, 1951 |
Gertrude M. Anderson to Mrs. Kenneth E. Myers Letter, March 20, 1951 |
Bertha C. Evans to Gertrude Anderson Letter, September 13, 1956 |
Betty Myers to Gertrude Anderson Letter, March 11, 1951 |
Betty F. Unkel to Ethel Thompson Memo, September 25, 1972 |
Alpha Xi Delta Presents Magic Circles Program, June 17, 1955 |